
Welcome to the Yale Nuclear Theory: Double beta decay site!

At the moment this site is dedicated to research and results related to double beta decay, even though the Yale nuclear theory group is working with a variety of other fascinating topics as well. ​Dr J. Kotila is the author of the work presented in these pages and the main purpose of this site is to provide easy access to theoretically calculated single electron spectra, summed electron spectra, angular correlation, and two-dimensional electron spectra files. For further information and questions we encourage you to contact Dr J. Kotila.

Detailed calculations of two neutrino double beta decay (2νβ-β-) and  neutrinoless double beta decay (0νβ-β-) phase-space factors (PSF) including single electron spectra, summed electron spectra, angular correlation, and two-dimensional electron spectra are now available. The full energy range files, starting from zero energy to double beta decay Q-value, are calculated with 1keV increments.

The low energy region, also of interest to dark matter experiments, is calculated with 100eV increments covering the energy range of 0-20keV.


September 27, 2016
DBD publication list updated to include also a recent paper titled “Occupation probabilities of single particle levels using the microscopic interacting boson model:...
November 23, 2015
DBD publication list updated to include also a recent paper titled “Limits on sterile neutrino contributions to neutrinoless double beta decay” published in Physical Review D...
June 10, 2014
Detailed calculations of 0νβ-β- decay phase-space files including single electron spectra and angular correlation files are now available. The full energy range files with ...