Theoretical description of the calculation of double beta decay phase space factors and related single electron spectrum, summed electron spectrum and angular correlation can be found from our paper “Phase-space factors for double-β decay” published in Physical Review C (and can also be found at arXiv). Note that the following files are unnormalized and they can be normalized using experimentally measured half-lives or theoretically calculated ones as described in the paper.
When citing these results, please use
J. Kotila and F. Iachello, Physical Review C 85, 034316 (2012) and
(or J. Kotila and F. Iachello, arXiv: 1209.5722 (2012) and
Below you can find
- Numerical values for Phase-space factors (Table)
- Full energy range files (Download)
- Low-energy region files (Download)
We hope you find this site useful and would appreciate an email stating your comments/suggestions, name (email), and possible collaboration. Thanks! Kiitos!
Numerical values for phase-space factors
Following numerical values for 2νβ-β- phase-space factors are in units 10-21y-1 and 0νβ-β- phase-space factors are in units 10-15y-1. These values do not include axial-vector coupling constant gA, for more detailed discussion see our original publication.
The case 134Xe was not included in our original publication, and a typo in the 2νβ-β- exponent of case 238U is corrected (correct PSF is 144x10-21y-1, not 14.4x10-21y-1).
Decay 2νβ-β- PSF (10-21y-1) 0νβ-β- PSF (10-15y-1)
- 48Ca 15500 24.8
- 76Ge 48.1 2.36
- 82Se 1590 10.2
- 96Zr 6810 20.6
- 100Mo 3310 15.9
- 110Pd 138 4.82
- 116Cd 2770 16.7
- 124Sn 553 9.04
- 128Te 0.269 0.588
- 130Te 1530 14.2
- 134Xe 0.226 0.600
- 136Xe 1430 14.6
- 148Nd 325 10.1
- 150Nd 36400 63.0
- 154Sm 9.61 3.02
- 160Gd 194 9.56
- 198Pt 15.3 7.56
- 232Th 11.2 13.9
- 238U 144 33.6
Files available to download
What does the package include?
Downloadable zip packages include single electron spectrum (*_ses.txt), summed electron spectrum (*_sums.txt), angular correlation, (*_cor.txt) and two-dimensional spectrum (*_2ds.txt). These files are calculated by Dr J. Kotila using Yale supercomputer. The files are organized as follows:
The first number in the files is just a running index, second one is the (single or summed electron) energy in MeV, and the third is the value for the quantity of interest for that energy. The package also includes a file named *_2ds.txt, which is the two-dimensional spectrum and lists running index for first electron, running index for second electron, energy for the first electron (in MeV), energy for the second electron (in MeV), and the value for spectrum with those energies.
Full energy range files with 1keV increments
The following full energy range files, starting from zero energy to double beta decay Q-value, are calculated with 1keV increments.
- 48Ca_2νβ-β- 48Ca_0νβ-β-
- 76Ge_2νβ-β- 76Ge_0νβ-β-
- 82Se_2νβ-β- 82Se_0νβ-β-
- 96Zr_2νβ-β- 96Zr_0νβ-β-
- 100Mo_2νβ-β- 100Mo_0νβ-β-
- 110Pd_2νβ-β- 110Pd_0νβ-β-
- 116Cd_2νβ-β- 116Cd_0νβ-β-
- 124Sn_2νβ-β- 124Sn_0νβ-β-
- 128Te_2νβ-β- 128Te_0νβ-β-
- 130Te_2νβ-β- 130Te_0νβ-β-
- 134Xe_2νβ-β- 134Xe_0νβ-β-
- 136Xe_2νβ-β- 136Xe_0νβ-β-
- 148Nd_2νβ-β- 148Nd_0νβ-β-
- 150Nd_2νβ-β- 150Nd_0νβ-β-
- 154Sm_2νβ-β- 154Sm_0νβ-β-
- 160Gd_2νβ-β- 160Gd_0νβ-β-
- 198Pt_2νβ-β- 198Pt_0νβ-β-
- 232Th_2νβ-β- 232Th_0νβ-β-
- 238U_2νβ-β- 238U_0νβ-β-
What does the package include?
Low-energy region files with 100eV increments
The low energy files, also of interest to dark matter experiments, are calculated with 100eV increments covering the energy range of 0-20keV.
- 48Ca
- 76Ge
- 82Se
- 96Zr
- 100Mo
- 110Pd
- 116Cd
- 124Sn
- 128Te
- 130Te
- 134Xe
- 136Xe
- 148Nd
- 150Nd
- 154Sm
- 160Gd
- 198Pt
- 232Th
- 238U
What does the package include?
This work was supported in part by the facilities and staff of the Yale University Faculty of Arts and Sciences High Performance Computing Center, and Academy of Finland Grant No. 266437.